Searching models using a where like query in Laravel

Mohasin Hossain
1 min readJun 1, 2024


From this post you will learn something like this $query->whereLike([‘campaign.title’, ‘campaign.organization.org_name’], $search);

Using a macro

if you want to add a search any model, you can add a macro to the Eloquent's Query builder. If you've never heard of a macro in Laravel read this excellent blogpost on the Tighten Co blog.

Here’s how our macro could look like. You can put it the boot method of App\Providers\AppServiceProvider or a service provider of your own.

Builder::macro('whereLike', function ($attributes, string $searchTerm) {
$this->where(function (Builder $query) use ($attributes, $searchTerm) {
foreach (Arr::wrap($attributes) as $attribute) {
str_contains($attribute, '.'),
function (Builder $query) use ($attribute, $searchTerm) {
[$relationName, $relationAttribute] = explode('.', $attribute);

$query->orWhereHas($relationName, function (Builder $query) use ($relationAttribute, $searchTerm) {
$query->where($relationAttribute, 'LIKE', "%{$searchTerm}%");
function (Builder $query) use ($attribute, $searchTerm) {
$query->orWhere($attribute, 'LIKE', "%{$searchTerm}%");

return $this;

With that macro can do something like this:

$query->whereLike(['campaign.title', 'campaign.organization.org_name'], $search);

Hope you found this helpful!



Mohasin Hossain
Mohasin Hossain

Written by Mohasin Hossain

Senior Software Engineer | Mentor @ADPList | Backend focused | PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, MySQL, TDD, CI/CD, Docker, Linux

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