Most Common Linux Commands That You Must Know
In this tutorial, I am going to share most commonly used Linux commands that most of developers use in daily programming life. Let’s start walking…
Make sure you open your terminal to practice the commands.
ls command: to show the content of a directory
ls : current directory folders
ls -a : current directory folders all with hidden
ls -l :current directory folders with extra more info
pwd command: to show the current directory path e.g. /home/yourname/current-directory
cd command: change directory
cd : go to home folder
cd / : go to root directory
cd fodler-name : go to fodler-name directory
cd folder1/nextfolder/myfolder : go to myfolder directory
cd .. : move a level up or one step back
cd - : return the previous directory
cp command: to copy file or folder
cp copy_me.txt new_file.txt
cd -r folder1 folder2
rm command: to remove file or folder
rm delete_me.txt
rm -r folder1 : use -r to remove an empty directory
rm -rf folder1 : use -rf to remove directory with content
rm -r : to remove current directory all content
mv command: move folder
mv your_file where_to_move
mv new_file.txt folder1
mv /home/yourname/folder_to_move ./ (note: ./ is your current directory)
mv old_file.txt new_file.txt : mv is also used to rename file name
mkdir command: to create directory
mkdir folder1
mkdir -p folder1/folder2/ : to create subdirectory user -p
man command: to show all of the options & description of any command
man mkdir : it will show every option & details of mkdir command
touch command: to create a file
touch new_file.txt
nano command: to open and modify a file
nano new_file.txt
cat command: to display the content of a file
cat new_file.txt
clear command: to clear the terminal
history command: to show all used command list
chmod command: to change the mode of a file (permission). There are some options for chmod command like r(read), w(write), x(execute)
chmod +r folder1 : to give read permission for directory folder1
exit command: end a shell session
sudo command: superuser do
sudo apt install apachi2
shutdown : power of your pc
shutdown now
Sudo shutdown -h 10 : will shutdown after 10 minutes
shutdown 12:30
htop command: interactive process viewer like task manager of windows
zip command: to zip any file
zip -r zip_folder_name zip_me
unzip command: to unzip a zip file
apt command: apt is package manager of linux/ubuntu
sudo apt install mysql
kill command: to close any program
kill firefox
ping command: to see the ip address of any website
vim command: vim is a text editor like nano command
vim file.txt
passwd command: to set or change user password
which command: gives the path of any directory
which directory-name
wget command: to download any content from internet
That’s all for now. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any feedback, questions or want me to write about another PHP/Laravel related topic.