Abstraction in PHP

Mohasin Hossain
4 min readSep 30, 2024


Abstraction in programming is a principle that allows you to reduce complexity by hiding unnecessary details and showing only the essential features of an object or concept. In object-oriented programming, abstraction is achieved using classes and objects.

Photo by Ben Griffiths on Unsplash

Here’s a simple example of abstraction using PHP:

Example: Bank Account

Imagine you are creating a banking system. You want to create a class that represents a bank account. The user of this class does not need to know how the balance is stored or how transactions are processed. They just need to know how to deposit, withdraw, and check the balance.


// Abstract class
abstract class BankAccount {
// Private properties to store the balance
private $balance;

// Constructor to initialize the balance
public function __construct($initialBalance) {
$this->balance = $initialBalance;

// Abstract methods to be implemented by subclasses
abstract protected function deposit($amount);
abstract protected function withdraw($amount);

// Concrete method to get the current balance
public function getBalance() {
return $this->balance;

// Protected method to set the balance
protected function setBalance($amount) {
$this->balance = $amount;

// Subclass of BankAccount
class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount {

// Implement the deposit method
public function deposit($amount) {
$newBalance = $this->getBalance() + $amount;
echo "Deposited: $amount. New Balance: " . $this->getBalance() . "\n";

// Implement the withdraw method
public function withdraw($amount) {
if ($amount > $this->getBalance()) {
echo "Insufficient funds. Current Balance: " . $this->getBalance() . "\n";
} else {
$newBalance = $this->getBalance() - $amount;
echo "Withdrew: $amount. New Balance: " . $this->getBalance() . "\n";

// Using the SavingsAccount class
$account = new SavingsAccount(100);
$account->deposit(50); // Output: Deposited: 50. New Balance: 150
$account->withdraw(30); // Output: Withdrew: 30. New Balance: 120
$account->withdraw(200); // Output: Insufficient funds. Current Balance: 120



  1. Abstract Class: BankAccount is an abstract class that defines the basic structure of a bank account.
  2. Abstract Methods: deposit and withdraw are abstract methods that must be implemented by any subclass of BankAccount.
  3. Concrete Methods: getBalance and setBalance are concrete methods that provide functionality to get and set the balance.
  4. Subclass: SavingsAccount is a subclass of BankAccount that provides implementations for the deposit and withdraw methods.

By using abstraction, we define a clear interface for bank accounts and hide the implementation details, making the code easier to understand and maintain.

In this point, you can think abstraction is very similar to inheritance. now let me clear more about that.

Abstraction and inheritance are closely related concepts in object-oriented programming. Here’s how they relate and differ:


Inheritance allows a class (subclass or child class) to inherit properties and methods from another class (superclass or parent class). It promotes code reusability and establishes a relationship between classes.


Abstraction, on the other hand, focuses on hiding the complex implementation details and exposing only the necessary parts. It helps in reducing complexity and allows the programmer to focus on interactions at a higher level.

Combined Usage

Often, abstraction and inheritance are used together to design systems that are both modular and easy to extend. The example provided earlier showcases both:

  • Abstraction: The BankAccount class defines the abstract methods deposit and withdraw, which must be implemented by subclasses. This hides the complexity of these operations from the user of the BankAccount class.
  • Inheritance: The SavingsAccount class inherits from BankAccount and provides specific implementations for the abstract methods.

Here’s a simpler example to illustrate the concepts clearly:

Example: Vehicle

Abstract Base Class


abstract class Vehicle {
// Abstract method
abstract protected function startEngine();

// Concrete method
public function describe() {
echo "This is a vehicle.\n";

class Car extends Vehicle {
// Implement the abstract method
public function startEngine() {
echo "Car engine started.\n";

class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {
// Implement the abstract method
public function startEngine() {
echo "Motorcycle engine started.\n";

// Using the classes
$car = new Car();
$car->describe(); // Output: This is a vehicle.
$car->startEngine(); // Output: Car engine started.

$motorcycle = new Motorcycle();
$motorcycle->describe(); // Output: This is a vehicle.
$motorcycle->startEngine(); // Output: Motorcycle engine started.



  1. Abstract Class: Vehicle is an abstract class that declares an abstract method startEngine and a concrete method describe.
  2. Inheritance: Car and Motorcycle are subclasses of Vehicle and inherit the describe method.
  3. Abstraction: Car and Motorcycle provide their own implementations of the startEngine method, hiding the details of how each type of vehicle starts its engine.

By using abstraction and inheritance, we can create a flexible and reusable code structure where different types of vehicles share common behavior (inherited from Vehicle) while also providing their specific implementations of abstract methods.

Hope you found this helpful!



Mohasin Hossain
Mohasin Hossain

Written by Mohasin Hossain

Senior Software Engineer | Mentor @ADPList | Backend focused | PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, MySQL, TDD, CI/CD, Docker, Linux

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